ATC Art Show Participants

The Artist Trading Card Art Show will be October-December, 2018.

Location:  Creative Neighbours Art Space at MLA David Eby’s Community Office, 2909 West Broadway

Participants will share a 9-card binder page of ATCs–either ones they’ve created or traded with other artists. All ages and abilities are welcome to participate. If you h ave more than 9, you can submit more. Ideally all cards are viewable in the same orientation – i.e. either vertical/portrait or horizontal/landscape. If you have a mix of your original cards and ones you’ve traded, you can separate those too.

Binder pages should be submitted between September 30 and October 10.

Register by September 15 to be included letting us know how many pages you will be submitting. Names and, if wished, contact information will be listed here and on a display in the art space.

  1. Mary Bennett (4 pages: one originals vertical; one originals horizontal; one traded vertical and one traded horizontal)
  2. Joanne Brown
  3. Jackie Conradi-Robertson
  4. Cole Dudley
  5. Joan Ellis
  6. Siobhan Ryan
  7. Billy Wittman


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