Category Archives: Labyrinths

World Labyrinth day

Join Mary at 49th & Oak on May 1

Walk as one at one.

Physical distancing will be maintained. I will be giving instruction on drawing a 3-circuit classical labyrinth.


In case of heavy rain, this will be cancelled. Check contact me if you’re wondering. I’ll make a decision by 10 am at the latest. As a native Vancouverite, I’ll likely head over unless there’s actually a downpour.

World Labyrinth Day 2020

Many of us can’t visit our favorite labyrinths. And if we do, it’s one person at a time.


World Labyrinth Day will go on despite the COVID-19 crisis. We need the peace of labyrinths more than ever. 

So here are some ideas for World Labyrinth Day 2020.

Make and walk a finger labyrinth

Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress of Veriditas is leading online (zoom) finger labyrinth walks and we will all be walking as one at one online.

Go here to register and then receive link details:

Build a backyard labyrinth using rope

Make a spiral labyrinth with “plarn” (plastic bags crocheted into “rope”. These spirals take 150 feet each. from Elisa A Maggio

Go to the beach or a laneway and make a temporary labyrinth

Drawing in the sand

Les draws a Chartres style labyrinth at Spanish Banks at low tide. He’ll start up again post-Pandemic. In the meantime, try a simple 3-circuit one just using sticks and free-form.

Move rocks

This would take more time and effort AND be a bit more permanent – and perhaps – beautiful. You’d leave it as a gift for anyone coming by. I hope you’ll mark its location on my facebook page.

Use chalk

On the facebook group, Children and the Labyrinth, here’s the spring ritual of one family: chalk labyrinth in the driveway.

Flower Labyrinth

Gail Stephan has taken photos of the flower labyrinth (“living labyrinth”) at the Unitarian Centre, 49th & Oak (actually on Fremlin, the east side of the church).

The idea is to take a photo every month to see the change in the seasons. Which of these views do you think is the best one?

Labyrinth – April 2017

My labyrinth at 49th & Fremlin is (to me at least) looking totally awesome. Almost all of the plants have been free gifts and most of the soil has been enhanced from composting the sod I dug up.

Right now the little grape hyacinths are so darned perky. And recently half a dozen or so yellow tulips have come up.

I’m watching for signs of the calendula self seeding. Last year the calendula overwintered, but not this year.

A friend gifted us with some summer bulbs:

Sparaxis – Harlequin Flower (20)

St. Brigid Mixture –  Anemone (20)

Both have been planted near the eastern area.

Yesterday I moved about 30 strawberry plants that had outgrown their space in the veggie garden and, yes, a few more baby grape hyacinths. I’m liking the idea of the kids at the church looking for strawberries on the labyrinth.

It’s wonderful to watch the seasonal transitions. We had a lot of snowdrops and crocuses. Now grape hyacinths. The few daffodils have been and gone… Now what?

Hardy plants include geraniums and lambs ears and they are spreading as they do.

Someone’s offered some irises – the smallish straight leaved kind.

I’ve said “no” to campanula, other irises.

Palindromes and Labyrinths – mirror images in art

ingiritext ingiri1I went to the Capture Photography Festival opening. One of the photos was titled in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.

As I’d been playing with putting text on a labyrinth painting so it would indicate you’re following the same path out as in, a palindrome seemed a perfect solution.

This phrase means something like, we go into the darkness at night and are consumed by fire.

It’s referred to as the devil’s verse, but if you read consumed as transformed, it’s rather labyrinthian, I think. You might just receive illumination or some consuming desire or a spark of insight in the centre.

You enter in the dark  – your own dark – of unconsciousness.

So I’m playing with it on a small wooden panel board. This is in early stages.