Twirl @VPL

TwirlMediumSquare is one of my favorite formats.  And 16″x16″ is a nice size. I named it Twirl and it’s inspired by a photo of a raven’s nest right on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

This one I did a similar scene much larger (36″x36″) too, which I called “Sprawl”.

The twigs are strips cut from an Oxford English Dictionary – Compact version.

It’s part of my Incubating Poetry series – just as eggs need to incubate before hatching, it takes a lot of words to incubate before a poem emerges.

Until May 6, you can see Sprawl and also Ledges at the West Point Grey Library on West 10th. Drop in and have a look as you take your books out.

There’s also two pieces from my “Genetic Scripture” series honouring Charles Darwin’s bicentennial of this birth.


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